08 May

Inline Training Ltd: Proud Sponsors of Ipswich Cricket Club and Supporters of Ipswich Transport Museum

Inline Training Ltd: Proud Sponsors of Ipswich Cricket Club and Supporters of Ipswich Transport Museum

We are thrilled to announce that Inline Training Ltd will be the proud sponsor of the Ipswich Cricket Club for the upcoming 2024 cricket season. As a local business, we believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting local sports. Cricket is more than just a game; it’s a symbol of teamwork, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence. We’re excited to be part of the journey with the Ipswich Cricket Club in the 2024 season.

But that’s not all! We’re also partnering with the Ipswich Transport Museum to provide forklift training for their dedicated team of volunteers. The museum, a treasure trove of transport history, relies on the hard work of its volunteers to keep it running smoothly. Our training will ensure that these volunteers can operate forklifts safely and efficiently, aiding in the maintenance and preservation of the museum’s extensive collection.

At Inline Training Ltd, we’re committed to giving back to our community. Whether it’s through supporting local sports or providing essential training, we believe in making a positive impact. Here’s to a successful cricket season and a safer, more efficient museum operation!

Stay tuned for more updates on our community involvement. Together, we can make a difference!

08 May

Recent Forklift Accidents in the UK: A Call for Increased Safety Measures

Recent Forklift Accidents in the UK: A Call for Increased Safety Measures

In recent times, there have been several unfortunate incidents involving forklifts in the UK. These accidents serve as a stark reminder of the importance of safety measures and proper training in the operation of heavy machinery.

  1. Barcode Warehouse Ltd Incident1: On November 8, 2023, a manufacturing company was fined half-a-million pounds following a tragic accident that resulted in the death of a forklift operator. The operator, Jamie Anderson, was killed when the forklift he was operating clipped a kerbstone and overturned. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that the company failed to enforce the use of seatbelts by forklift operators1.
  2. Unspecified Manufacturing Firm Incident2: In another incident in 2018, a manufacturing firm was fined £600,000 after a worker’s leg was crushed by a forklift truck. The worker was walking across a pedestrian crossing at the site when a forklift truck, driven by another employee, collided with the worker2.
  3. Anthony Watson Incident3: On July 11, 2022, a warehouse operative named Anthony Watson was killed when the mast of the forklift he was operating raised to place a row of flooring onto a shelf, causing the forklift to topple3.

These incidents highlight the critical need for proper safety measures, regular training, and strict adherence to safety protocols when operating forklifts. It’s essential for companies to enforce the use of safety equipment like seatbelts and ensure that their employees are adequately trained to handle such machinery.

Remember, safety should always be the top priority in any workplace. Let’s work together to prevent such accidents in the future.

26 Jan

#ForkliftFocus- Refresher Training

Why should you provide forklift refresher training for your staff?

Forklift refresher training is an essential part of maintaining a safe and efficient workplace.

Here at Inline Training Limited we recommend that forklift refresher training is completed every 3-5 years. This not only helps you to comply with the from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) but also provides additional benefits:

 Here are some key benefits of providing this training to your employees:

  1. Enhanced Safety: Regular refresher training helps to reinforce safety protocols, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. It ensures that operators are up to date with the latest safety regulations and best practices.
  2. Increased Efficiency: Refresher training can help to improve the efficiency of your operations. By revisiting the correct methods of operating a forklift, employees can work more effectively and productively.
  3. Reduced Equipment Damage: Regular training can help to minimise the risk of damage to your forklifts. Employees who are well-trained are less likely to make mistakes that could lead to costly repairs.
  4. Compliance with Regulations: In many regions, regular forklift training is not just recommended, but legally required. Refresher training helps to ensure that your business remains compliant with these regulations.
  5. Employee Confidence: Employees who receive regular training are likely to feel more confident in their roles. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and morale.

In conclusion, investing in regular forklift refresher training is a smart move for any business. It not only helps to maintain a safe and efficient workplace, but also contributes to the overall success of your operations. Remember, a well-trained workforce is a productive workforce!

If you need help with arranging forklift #refresher training for #counterbalance #reach #pivotsteer #vna #forklifts reach out to us here – BTW no pun intended! 😊

05 Dec

Forklift Accidents: Causes, Prevention, and Safety Tips

Forklift accidents can have severe consequences, resulting in injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. It is crucial to understand the causes of these accidents, implement preventive measures, and prioritise safety in forklift operations.

Causes of Forklift Accidents:

  1. Lack of Proper Training: Insufficient training can lead to operators lacking the necessary knowledge and skills to operate forklifts safely, increasing the risk of accidents.
  2. Improper Maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance and inspections can result in faulty equipment, including brakes, steering systems, and hydraulics, which can contribute to accidents.
  3. Speeding and Reckless Driving: Operating a forklift at excessive speeds or in an irresponsible manner can lead to collisions, tip-overs, and loss of control.
  4. Improper Load Handling: Incorrectly securing or unbalanced loads can cause instability, making the forklift prone to tipping over or dropping the load.
  5. Limited Visibility: Poor lighting conditions, blind spots, obstructed views, and inadequate mirrors can impede the operator’s ability to see obstacles, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Prevention and Safety Tips:

  1. Comprehensive Training: Ensure that all forklift operators receive proper training on safe operating practices, including load handling, manoeuvring, and understanding the equipment’s limitations.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Establish a maintenance schedule to inspect and service forklifts regularly. Address any identified issues promptly to maintain optimal performance and safety.
  3. Speed Control: Encourage operators to adhere to speed limits and discourage reckless driving. Emphasise the importance of maintaining a safe speed, especially in congested areas.
  4. Load Handling Procedures: Train operators on proper load securing techniques and weight distribution. Encourage them to double-check loads before moving them and avoid overloading the forklift.
  5. Clear Visibility: Improve visibility by installing proper lighting, removing obstructions, and ensuring that mirrors are appropriately adjusted. Consider using aids like Banks people or cameras to assist with blind spots.
  6. Establish Safety Policies: Implement strict safety policies, such as wearing seatbelts, prohibiting unauthorised personnel from operating forklifts, and maintaining clear pedestrian areas.
  7. Regular Safety Inspections: Conduct routine safety inspections, focusing on the forklift’s condition, safety features, and overall adherence to your company procedures.

Remember, prioritising safety in forklift operations is crucial to prevent accidents, protect employees, and minimise damage to property. By promoting a culture of safety and consistently reinforcing best practices, the risk of forklift accidents can be significantly reduced.

For more information on forklift safety or to schedule forklift training, reach out to Inline Training Ltd at training@inlinetraining.co.uk. Stay safe!

16 Jun

This week at Inline Training

A busy week here at I line training with multiple courses being run for our clients.

Currently we have Abrasive wheels training in Ipswich being completed for a well know producer of farming and agricultural equipment.

We have forklift attachment training courses running for a client in London for their brand new rotating clamp attachment on a counterbalance forklift.

Finally we have a counterbalance novice course running for a client in Ipswich within the automotive industry.

Plenty going on here this week at Inline Training, if you are looking for forklift training in Essex or Suffolk please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information and a free quote.

29 Apr

IMHX 2022

Inline Training Ltd are please to announce that we will be attending the International Material Handling Exhibition at the NEC Birmingham. Myself and our instructors are looking forward to seeing the latest in forklift truck and safety technology, helping to keep forklift operations both efficient and safe.

As you may be aware, there has been major focus on pedestrian safety within the workplace, particularly when working within close proximity of forklift trucks. For us all at Inline Training Ltd, It will be interesting to see if this focus is maintained from exhibitors and manufacturers of pedestrian safety products and technologies.

05 Apr

Abrasive Wheels Training

At a glance……..

  • Course Duration: 1 Day usually 08:30-16:00
  • Number of trainees: Maximum of 6 people
  • Location: Customer Premises: Onsite Only

This course has been developed to give you the knowledge and skills to operate these machines safely, whilst maintaining yours and others safety within your workplace.

Our instructors will guide you through both theory and practical sessions covering:

  • The law surrounding Abrasive Wheels
  • The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Different types of Abrasive Wheels, precautions and hazards specific to your workplace
  • Inspection of equipment, safe transportation and storage
  • Components and assembly
  • The Ring Test
  • Working safely and Best Practice
  • Theory Assessment
  • Practical Assessment

Please contact us for a FREE no obligation quote today! 01206 413 360

21 Mar

Counterbalance forklift training in Braintree

This week we have been delivering two courses for a customer in #Braintree.

We delivered a three day experience operators course on a category B1 counterbalance forklift truck. Followed by a one-day refresh and retest for three operators. All training has been completed on site in Braintree Essex.

If you are looking for forklift training in Braintree, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Practical exercise loading a container using ramp and counterbalance forklift truck
Stacking at high level over 3000 mm
Practical exercise loading ton bags onto metal stillages and hoppers
23 Feb

Overhead Pendant an Gantry Crane Training in Suffolk Essex and Norfolk now available

Inline Training are pleased to announce that we can now offer training courses for both pendant cranes and overhead gantry cranes.

Courses will cater for a maximum of three operators per course across all experience levels from novice to both experienced operators and refresher training which is recommended by the health and safety executive every 3 to 5 years.

These courses are delivered on site only at the customers premises. Courses can also be tailored to meet the specific lifting requirements of your business.

For more information please don’t hesitate to drop us an email at training@inlinetraining.co.uk

Pendant Crane Training in Suffolk Essex and Norfolk